Please call 312-804-8304 during our normal business hours: M-F 9:30am-5:30pm if you have any questions. If you can’t reach us during our normal business hours, leave us a message at 312-949-9509 or email allcareortho@gmail.com. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours!
What if the bands or brackets become loose?
The seal created by the cement has broken. Call the office and schedule an appointment. If the band or bracket detaches from the wire, save it and take it with you to your next appointment.
What if the archwire or headgear is broken, or a hook or ligature is lost?
These problems could cause the teeth to shift in the wrong direction and must be corrected as soon as possible. Call the office and schedule an appointment.
What if there is a wire sticking out and poking the mouth?
Try tucking it in with the eraser part of a pencil. If that doesn’t work, dry it with a napkin and place was over the tip of the wire to prevent further irritation. Wax can also be applied to a bracket or hook that is causing discomfort.
What if the mouth feels sore?
To relieve soreness, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and/or take Advil or Tyenol as directed.
What if my child plays sports?
Be sure to mention this to Dr. Kusnoto and his associates.
What if my child or I play a musical instrument?
Notify Dr. Kusno and his associates to if you play a wind instrument or a violin.
Should I be taking any extra vitamins during treatment?
It is very important that you get enough Vitamin C during treatment as it helps restore and heal bone and maintain healthy gums. Check with Dr. Kusnoto and his associates for help in determining which foods might provide enough Vitamin C or how much Vitamin C supplement you should take.